Seal Number One White Horse
– White House USA
– “Despicable me – Despicable you”
According to how the Globalist Bankers see you and I.
We could rehash what was written in the book COVID WAR – Suffice to say no need just read the pdf book of COVID WAR and Rev 7 seals
However a Summary is below for your convenience.
11/02/1984 – Whitehouse – White Horse Rider Anthony Fauci – time in office – November 2, 1984 – December 31, 2022. 38 years he rides that Whitehorse! He was given a crown – a title. Chief Medical Officer.
The final time did he ride in 2020 to end of 2022. He had a bow for a weapon – which is the simplest piece of cloth the Strong’s Concordance says. A Bow is a face musk.

Scripture Revelation 6.2
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Blue the colour of WAR…
Unpacking the verse Revelation 6.2 with January 2025 knowledge and history.
On the 11/02/1984 Anthony Fauci was appointed Chief Medical Officer of the United States of America. This was his crown. The crown was the title which welded much power. His job was to find a way to inject the populace with substances to find the best mixture to enter the body of anything really but most importantly humans and to connect them to the Internet of Bodies that was to come later.
That Internet of bodies was to be connected to the Internet but not the internet on the ground by way of data and wifi but the Internet that would be in the sky that we now know as Starlink and Chinese megaconstellations. Along with humans all animals and fruit and vegetables would eventually be injected so that the financial “Beast” system could trace and track in real time in the “data cloud” and future blockchain ledger that would track the ownership from the factory to the farm to the dump even having camera’s in garbage trucks to track what you brought at the store was indeed what you threw away.
And to the extreme of having your toilet connected to the internet to trace and track and potentially testing what you drafted out of your body including how much methane you expelled.
This seemed ridiculous however in 2024 injections into cows began to reduce the amount of methane they expel. Meanwhile while straining at this very small thing they began deep sea “carpet type carpet” mining releasing untold amounts of methane into the atmosphere from five kilometres deep in the ocean.
They swallowed a camel and strained at a gnat the Bible says in Matthew 23.24
Matthew 23:24
“You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!”
These blind guides the politicians and their masters (The First and Second Beasts of Revelation 13) even if they knew what was going to happen allowed this stupidity. Worrying what a cow breathed out or farted out yet mining the ocean floor releasing untold amounts of methane gas in a single day more than thousands of cows would in a year most probably, per machine!
Now that those who have taken the jab and are connected and traced whether they die or live or live permanently damaged is of no consequence to Anthony Fauci. His Family was made very wealthy from the patents he registered and owned as he had this weapon developed and deployed conquering and conquered.
Round TWO
Round two will be the implementation of the “Mark of the Beast” made available around 2029 or thereafter and made compulsory around 1/1/2033 approximately.
Anthony Fauci went forth to conquer and conquering and he and the medical officers male and female around the world certainly did that as they rehearsed their script in the line of presenters as each department head got up to talk in front of the cameras… lol it was so obvious it was all a scripted scene on the world stage. As we know now it was organised by the Pentagon in the USA. However many swallowed the lies and most regret taking the jabs but many keep taking them as they are offered free to the unsuspecting and unknowledgeable ones.
Below is the Great Sword with all the Nano Technology in it that he patented and more that he did not patent just for you to be connected to the Internet of Bodies and every other living thing including your fruit and vegetables.

The next round will be the fluid that was the best mixture of the few billion needles given to people that showed to the next chief medical officer the best mixture to use to connect humans to the Starlink and the Chinese megaconstellations.
Along with (assumingly) the Micro Nano Pin pad that will go on your right arm or forehead if you do not have a right arm which will use energy from your stimulated electrical field in your body to let you use the internet as in the picture below and always be connected to the Starlink and such like weapons in order to track and trace you and to use you as a token of finance. To be a receipt of payment for the work you do and to track your expenditure as you spend and move around the city and work place even to the point of when you get up of your chair until you return to it, Assuming a office chair or when you are sat on your forklift and get of it until you get back on it.
You can thank the White House of the USA and their Chief Medical Officer Anthony Fauci and those that follow him for this despicable use of your body.
Does the film series “Despicable me” ring a bell for you here?
Are you illuminated now?
If you took the jab or the future official “Mark of the Beast” jab around 2029 and compulsory by 1/1/2033 and Micro Nano Pin Pad – you certainly are illuminated to the Beast system….
If it is post 1/1/2033 and you have accepted the “mark of the beast” you have taken God’s rights away to give you Eternal Life and be part of His Kingdom. Repent and Call on Him with a repented heart and ask Him for His Holy Spirit.