Cost of living –
how to estimate future costs
As you have seen from the above links to Gold Bread, Wheat & Barley flour are going to go up at different rates. Wheat & Barley are mentioned in the Bible as a guide to you of the increase when Trumpet Number One attack by the Globalist Bankers on our food to create FOOD Famine happens. It is already happening in many ways but Trumpet Number One is specific and that is what we can go forward on as a guide.
Those increases not including Gold as Gold will take a purchasing power decrease, are below.
4,275% or 42.75 times
Wheat or Wheat Flour
22,800% or 228 times
Barley Flour
2,581% or 25.81 times
Taking all three together and dividing all three gives us an average.
(42.75+228+25.81) = 296.56
(296.56 /3) = 98.85 as an average. Therefore if you times everything by 100 or even 150 or even 200 you will come to three estimates.
Let’s try this. Let’s use a Milk. 2 Litre.
$4.00 for 2lt Norco full cream milk on the 27th December 2024.
$4.00 times 100 (4.00×100) = $400.00 AUD for 1 cartoon of Milk
$4.00 times 150 (4.00×150) = $600.00 AUD for 1 cartoon of Milk
$4.00 times 200 (4.00×200) = $800.00 AUD for 1 cartoon of Milk
So lets go middle of the range can you afford $600.00 for 2 litres of milk?
Now apply that to everything your licenses (car, boat, trailer, jet ski)
Now apply that to your weekly shopping bill of say $500.00 per week if your a family…
Apply it to school fees and so on
Get the picture?
Let say you earn the Average wage of $89,000 in Australia less tax which is around $21,000.00 leaves you $68,000.
Now times $68,000 by the above averages
($68,000 x 100) = $6,800,000
($68,000 x 150) = $10,200,000
($68,000 x 200) = $13,600,000
That is how much your cost of living is going up by on or around the 8th of August 2029!
The 3rd Horse the Blue / Dark/ Black Democrat rider kills by 5 Famines and they are:
- Oxygen Famine – Starts on 1/1/2025
- Food Famine – starts world wide on or around the 8th August 2029 – However Fish (food) Famine started on 1/1/2025
- Energy Famine – Starts in January 2031
- Fresh Clean Water Famine – Starts sometime in 2031
- Light Famine – Used in August 2029 but in full in 2032
Yes they are all happening now to some degree but we are talking on this website world wide at the same time.
If you wish to protect yourself and don’t know how and you are happy to be in a business partnership please contact us via the form below.