Gold Silver Ratio (GSR) & Estimated Price of Silver
You see they (the talking heads including YT etc) talk about the GSR the Gold Silver Ratio and the Gold Dow ratio. They relate the price of Silver to that ratio. Greg Mannarino he talks about the GOLD/DOW Ratio. But he misses the point. His video is below.
I have this video so if it is deleted I will up load a copy.
Greg is a very smart man says CT, when all were calling for a crash in October 2023 Greg was the only man CT could find saying to Buy. 1st November the market stated to go up. Great result and you cannot argue with that. He is a very intelligent man. But he has missed a point. He says Silver is his most favoured commodity and Gold the second. He made a typo of $800.00 Silver at 1/15 it is $533.00 Silver price.
USA Return on Silver
Return on Silver is $533/$30 USD) = 26 times or 260%! USD
260% USD compared to 4,275% return on bread? or with 22,800% on Flour! Why bother with that says CT!? That’s right
Australian return on Silver
Return on Silver $533 USD divided by exchange rate of September 2024 $0.675 = $789.63 which we will round up to $790.00.
On a GSR of 1/25 the Silver price is $320 divided by exchange rate of $0.675 ($320/$0.675) = $474.07
Aussie Silver Price August 2024 was $56.00 per ounce from the Perth Mint.
GSR 1/15
($790/$56) = 14.10 times or 1,410%
GSR 1/25
($474 / 56) = 8.47 times or 847%.
260% USD compared to 4,275% return on bread? Or with Australia 1,410% compared to 4,275% or on a GSR of 1/25 847% compared to 4,272% on Bread
It may be better than 1,410% with AUD Silver if the exchange rate is lower like 0.621.
Monthly Chart of the USD/AUD
The same calculation today the 4th January 2025 would return the following on Silver.
USD price of Silver $533.00 August 2029 divided by AUD exchange rate of 0.0621 = ($533/$0.0621) = $858.00
($828/$56) = 14.78 or 1,478%. So you would be potentially about $68.00 better off or would you? The lower the exchange rate the more things will cost in Australia potentially equalising or cancelling any potential gains in the Silver price!
Even with a 1,410% or 1,478% return on Silver is it better than a 22,800% on Flour! Why bother with that says CT!? That’s right!
Silver is vastly underperforming meaning you are going to be losing purchasing power and therefore the ability to buy food.
Better is the currency of obedience.