What is the Silver to Bread return or Ratio?

What is the Silver to Bread

return or Ratio?

Current price is $8.00 (2 loaves of 450 gram bread) in September 2024. Two 450 gram loaves of bread is close to 907 grams or 2 pounds of wheat flour from Revelation 6.6.

$342.00/8 = 42.75 times or 4,275.00% lets split that into one loaf of bread.

Current price is $4.00. (1 loaf of bread) ($4.00 X 4,275.00%) = $171.00 per small loaf of bread. Can you afford that?

Remember these are conservative figures. We have not included the following to make bread and they are: Although you could say that have automatically been included in the price of bread.

Therefore on the next page we will look at Wheat Flour only.

  • Yeast
  • Water
  • Power
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Milk
  • Egg
  • Oil/fat
  • The usual weight of a loaf of bread in Australia is 680 grams.
    Transport of the above and who has the funds to buy biodiesel fuel after 7-8th August 2029 if T#1 happens on those dates. All cheap now compared to Post Trumpet Number One.

Greg estimated Silver price will be $533 USD per ounce on a GSR of 1/15. Lets look at that and use that estimate.

$790 per ounce is the figure in AUD we calculated in the last page.

Today (17/09/2024) Silver costs $56.00 AUD plus insurance and postage from the Perth mint. A snake CT used it because the Globalist bankers are snakes – forked tongue, whitewashed full of dead men’s bones – tombs.

Lets say you have a young family and you quite often need to buy 2 loaves a bread in a day. We know that it is now a days wages post Trumpet #1 event – which may last days or weeks!

2 loaves of bread conservatively is going to cost $342.00 minimum. A penny – a days wages. or $171.00 AUD each

($342.00/$8.00) = $42.75 x 2 Loaves of Bread in September 2024. An Australia Average Days wage will buy (42.75×2) = 85.50 small loaves of Bread in September 2024.

Todays price is $8.00 for 2 loaves of bread. Small loaves by the way.

Not bad at all. What does silver buy in terms of small loaves of bread in September 2024?

$56.00 Silver price / 2 Loaves of Bread

($56.00/$8.00) = 7 loaves of Bread times 2 = 14 loaves of small BREAD.

Okay lets see the price post 3rd quarter of 2029.

1 Ounce of Silver in September 2024 buys 14 small loaves of Bread less any currency exchange costs from Silver to AUD.

Greg Mannarino’s Silver estimate price is $533.00 USD, GSR 15/1. GSR is GOLD SILVER RATIO

GSR 1/15

Currency exchange rate today the 17/09/2024 is ($533 / 0.675) = $790.00 AUD an ounce of silver

Silver price / $342.00

($790/342.00) = 2.31 Days wages after tax to buy 1 ounce of Silver.

Currently 1 ounce of Silver buys (56.00/$4.00) = 14 small loaves of bread. Less currency exchange from silver to AUD. Therefore may only by 13 small loaves of bread pre Trumpet Number One.

Post August 2029

Silver price $790.

Price of 2 Small Loaves of Bread is a days wages $342.00

($790 / 342)*2 = 4.62 Loaves of Bread

August 2024 1 ounce of Silver brought you 14 loaves of bread

Post August 2029 1 ounce of Silver will by 4.62 loaves of bread that is a purchasing power decrease of around 67%.

(4.62/14) = 0.33 Expressed this way (100-33) = 67

GSR 1/25

Silver Price $474.00

Days wages $342.00

($474 / $342)*2 =  2.78 small loaves of bread

August 2024 1 ounce of Silver brought you 14 loaves of bread

Post August 2029 1 ounce of Silver will by 2.78 loaves of bread that is a purchasing power decrease of around 80%.

(2.78/14) = 0.20 rounded up. Expressed this way (100-20) = 80

Now that is currency deflation!

Post 3rd quarter 2029

What about your other bills and expenses?

Buy your bread by the slice! LOL CT does. Its not funny but this is what is coming and probably worse.

Its not going to be funny if you do not have Jesus as your saviour!

Hold on says CT. These are approximate figures only we will have to wait until Trumpet Number One – Globalists wicked agenda has been enacted. Probably going to be much worse than this.

Think we better have a look at Wheat Flour to enable a wider picture of future prices against Silver now and post Trumpet Number One.

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Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet