B7 – Russian News 24/11/2024

B7 – Russian News 24/11/2024

A couple of Video’s from Vladimir Putin confirming Clevor Trever suspicions that the attack on Russian territory was nothing more than to enable Russia to test their Hyper-Sonic missiles.
Although they do mark 10 or 3 km a second they are still slow compared to Electromagnetic propulsion craft!
So while the world was flipping out CT was relaxed why?
Because Jesus said there will be wars and rumours of wars – Do not worry – the end is not yet.  Until Trumpet Number One happens apart from those in the direct firing line it is just preparation for what is to come. Therefore DO NOT WORRY…
Click on Captions > Select English Translated > Click on Settings > Click on Size and click on colour that you like the translated captions to be in like yellow for example and other options.

Statement by the President of the Russian Federation


Совещание с руководством Минобороны, представителями ВПК и разработчиками ракетных систем

Meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, representatives of the military-industrial complex and developers of missile systems



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Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet