Mark of Beast

Mark of Beast

Clevor Trevor believes that some time after Trumpet Number Two probably in Trumpet Three or Four the Mark of the Beast is made complusory if you want to live in it – Buy and Sell.

Yes you can buy food but you will SELL God’s rights to save you to the devils system.

Revelation 13. 18

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six

“Number of a Man” this comes from a Greek word, which means “taken God’s rights away”

So if you take the mark of the beast – or this is around 2032 when you read this and you have taken the mark of the beast – you will need to repent and call on God to forgive you and give you His Holy Spirit. If you can find some Born Again saints do Acts 2.38

Here’s a song ROBOPHOBIA by Destiny Lab – Video by Nicolson1968 and Lyrics by Barry Gumm




Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet