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About this website

If you have come here looking for a perfectly written, edited, every word spelled correctly and 

Grammarly correct you are not going to find that here!

Jesus spent time in the pubs (inns) do you think they were perfect in speech? Yet He did not come for the righteous but for the sinner. A sinner has produced this website – Get used to not everything being written correctly Mr & Mrs, Miss, Master, Ms academic and whatever you wish to be known as. Rather though see the subject matter is covered better by none other that Clevor Trevor has known or seen on the internet thus far. Count your blessings read, see and listen.

Take of the wanting it to be perfect or you won’t read or listen with ears and eyes to hear and see!

Put on a contrite heart and have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear.

With all your getting of knowledge get understanding also and apply wisdom instead of criticalness!

Contrite means:

having a contrite heart means recognizing our sinfulness and brokenness.

It means being humble and teachable.

The knowledge and understanding that the Lord has given Clevor Trevor over 42 years in December 2024

means he might know some things you don’t!

However having said the above, if you think there are some things CT has missed in technology and so on in regards to the Trumpets by all means send CT a message via the contact form below.

After all none of us knows everything apart from the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and He is not down here in the flesh right now.


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Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet