South Pole

South Pole Station


Generate Earthquakes anywhere in the world at anytime of the globalist choosing.

Clayton Chat with Eric Hecker who worked for Raytheon at the South Pole

Clevor Trevor never believed the two earthquakes at Christchurch were natural.  CT thought destroy the beautiful old building to put up tin and glass buildings.  There was only one answer at the time that CT thought about this and that was Radio waves like WIFI and DATA and so on do not go through solid walls and double brick walls easily. Destroy them and radiate and in the future with Starlink have the people trackable through the buildings.  That is exactly what is happening and will happen with the Mark of the Beast is made compulsory in the 2030’s.

Video below and Transcript below that.


“This is HAARP on steroids” Whistleblower reveals MASSIVE weather machine at South Pole | Redacted


down with Eric Hecker he worked at the
South Pole station in Antarctica and
he’s one of only a handful of people he
used to actually work for Ron and then
he saw what they were doing at the South
Pole station and you won’t believe what
he discovered he then became a
whistleblower he testified in front of
the United States Senate um under threat
of perjury and what he saw was
astonishing and so he he was
flabbergasted when people are sitting
there saying there’s no such thing as
weather modification
what he worked on at the South Pole
station makes the harp project up in
Alaska look like a baby project the
machines that are at the South Pole
station that are able to control
earthquakes and the weather and not only
that is a giant UFO control tower which
is a neutrino control tower so I had a
chance to speak with Eric but we
specifically talked about uh the weather
modification tools and so here I want to
play a little bit of this interview for
you with Eric Hecker let’s talk about
the weather piece of this so we’re
seeing the weather ulation we’ve covered
this extensively here on the show The
Nexrad radar systems that have been used
into to direct and and move these storms
in a path of Destruction the control of
these storms um is is unbelievable and I
think most Americans were kind of Silent
didn’t realize that this was actually
happening I think the cat is out of the
bag on all of this now um but I’m
curious what the South Pole station does
is and when you work there how it
actually is able to be used as a as an
earthquake generating machine what else
it’s doing there um and maybe how this
is tied to the current weather events
and all of the things that we’re seeing
right now across the United States can
you give our audience more of an
overview of that absolutely the the
South Pole station has a system known as
the Ice Cube nutrino detector it is
currently the world’s largest phased
array transmitter this is basically
Tesla technology I’m sure a lot of the
audience is familiar with systems like
harp which is effectively um
built on the surface of the Earth and it
a 2d situation it has length and width
as far as a phased array goes the
Southpole station differs in this so far
as it also goes down deep into the ice
giving it a third dimension length width
and height so it has exponential um more
I guess you would say capabilities U
um discharge of power then yeah it’s
like harp on steroid basically so yes it
generated the earthquakes that occurred
in Christ Church New Zealand in February
2011 um and you told me before I just
I’ll let you go on in a second but you
when you and I chatted on the phone a
few weeks ago you mentioned I don’t know
if you can say this now or if I’m
speaking out of telling Tales out of
school here but speaking to a you were
speaking to a source that you worked
with at the South Pole station since you
left there said the Technology’s gotten
so Advanced now with these generation of
that it’s like an autopilot system and
an aircraft I think you described it
that it’s so Advanced now it would blow
your mind at how targeted these
earthquakes are that they can use from
this South the the basically the trick
of it all one one of the things that I
learned when I went to this event in
Alamosa Colorado I spoke with a
gentleman by the name of Dr um Simeon
Hine and he was doing a presentation on
ball lightning and one of the things
that he discussed was how um there are
reports when earthquakes occur that ball
lightning um I guess you would say is
ejected manufactured by the earthquake
so I engaged him in a dialogue and I
said well doc you know um wouldn’t there
be some sort of symmetry there that if
if an earthquake can discharge ball
lightning wouldn’t we be able to um
deliver ball lightning to generate an
earthquake and and he agreed that it’s
just simply the matter of being able to
deliver said energy which um for all
practical purposes think of it having an
explosive capacity to it so if you can
wirelessly transmit energy from a power
supply somewhere on Earth deliver it to
another location the end result is quite
simply an earthquake uh Wireless
transmission of energy is something that
Nicola Tesla has brought up you know
what hundred some odd years ago now so
this is this is the state of the union
is that Nicola Tesla discovered this
stuff the powers that be absconded his
information they they cordoned it off
away from the the mass population and
have been monopolizing the use of this
these types of Technologies for many
decades now we the people are are
suffering under this uh Monopoly of
Technology by our oppressors it’s it’s
literally just that simple and that
would be the motive for them to have
agents for lack of a better term um
flooding the disclosure Community with
BS to muddy the waters and confuse us we
the people so that we can continue to be
wholly oppressed and well-managed
when you were at the South Pole station
you witnessed this ice cube nutrino
machine uh in action so it goes deep and
it’s and and much larger than harp and
uh I guess just walk us through what
what they would be using this for um how
would they be manipulating the weather
how would they be uh manipulating and
targeting earthquakes um around the
world why would they be doing this and
who is in control of the South Pole
station at this point is it the United
States government you were a contractor
with rathon when you were there is it a
private Enterprise who is controlling it
great questions uh first and foremost
one of the things that the um former
crew members had EMP emphasized to me to
try to get people to understand as I’m
trying to get this information out there
is that you you have to understand it’s
just very easy now to deliver that
energy anywhere on the planet it’s it’s
not uh it’s not challeng they can pick a
spot they can they can pick a spot in
Iran and they can just put it dial it in
on the computer and launch an
earthquake deliver the energy that
instigates it the term that people
should become familiar with his
earthquake induction or earthquake
inducing so similar to like when you go
on the internet and you Google
Chemtrails right you’re going to get a
whole bunch of baloney that says chem
trails are garbage blah blah but if you
Google the term stratospheric aerosol
injection you’ll start to find all the
science of what’s really going on when
they crisscross our skies so and all of
that absolutely yeah so if you if you
look up um inducing earthquakes or Earth
Quake induction you will become um privy
to a sea of information and science that
supports the existence of this
technology it’s just that available
people just need to um start paying
attention to what’s going on in the
world around them and this disparity in
technology um as far as who’s running
the facility I’m not 100% sure this was
part of that conversation that I had in
Washington DC is because it seems like
these you know um these um unag
knowledged um special access programs
usap um which anybody who’s paying close
attention uh usap is the actual title of
the Antarctic program it’s the United
States Antarctic program
usap it is a usap program by definition
so they are they are being very
deceptive as to what the secondary and
tertiary uh capacities are for this
massive fa erace system and they’re just
pumping it out to the general population
as if it’s operating under the aaces of
Science of course things like that have
to be secreted away they’re not going to
be running around saying we have the
world’s largest directed energy weapons
system at the South Pole station in
Antarctica because first and foremost it
would breach the Antarctic treaties and
people would say oh well they would
never do that well study Greenland and
look what happened down there when the
United States of America was sneaking
nuclear missile bases into Greenland
without telling the local authorities
this is an activity that our nation and
many other nations are more than happy
to break the rules every single chance
they get we’ve seen a number of these
Nexrad radar systems going off in bursts
um and basically directing hurricane
Helen into an area where the Nexrad
radar systems were not going off being
directed in a path um of course a lot of
discussion about HARP and how all of
this plays into it if you talked about
about the South Pole station the ice ice
cube neutrino machine basically being
harp on steroids how would it or likely
be used uh with hurricane Milton
hurricane Halen um in the United States
I believe it would just be simple um
delivery of energy that it’s it’s it is
that simple these systems themselves uh
were just observing mother nature and
the flow of her energies we we call it a
storm we call it a
hurricane it’s just a matter of practice
through the application and delivery
from systems like this that have copious
amounts of power available to deliver um
it’s just a matter of playing around and
learning the targeting and and reaction
it’s application of intention and and
checking the reaction and this is
something that they seem to have gotten
dialed in whether it be um through One
Singular system at the South Pole or
like we’re seeing with the Nexrad
systems or potentially through
integrating with other heart platforms
around the world we just need to start
to appreciate that this is exactly how
it works and how simple it can be energy
can be delivered wirelessly with great
accuracy and impact and we’re witnessing
it with our own eyes and we need to
start asking the right questions of the
right people and we need to stop being
led by the nose by the misinforms and
disinformation ISS that frankly don’t
really have any um skin in the game
other than profiteering it’s an it’s a
neutrino detector okay well what did it
cost and what’s the price per nutrino
detected and what do we do with that
information what’s the value in
science that’s the return on the
investment for the average mortgage
payer that’s investing into this what
what do we care where new trinos are
coming from it doesn’t seem to have much
logic and reasoning to what we’re being
told its function is but if we realize
that there are rogue factions in control
of the world’s largest phased array
transmitter that can deliver copious
amounts of energy anywhere on the planet
to manipulate storms to increase them to
steer them to create earthquakes it was
many decades ago that the Air Force put
together a plan to control the weather
2025 this is a report that’s available
on the internet now this is a report
that was handed to me in great secrecy
many years ago I was told to never get
caught with it but it stated very
clearly that weather Warfare and weather
manipulation was um the battlefield of
the future that he who controls the
weather controls the planet I do not
believe that the United States
government is the only faction working
in this capacity I do not even believe
that nation states are the only Factions
working in this capacity in my
experience nation states are puppets to
military-industrial Corporation
contractors those folks run the world
because there’s no Freedom of
Information that allows you to dig into
their archives and and let us know what
they’re doing they simply manufacture
whatever they want and then sell it to
the highest bidder nothing prevents
these companies um from building their
own fleets of
UFOs nothing’s stopping them from going
off planet and Mining asteroids if they
want here’s another thing that people
don’t consider if we’re not told that a
technology exists then it’s not
that’s Eric Hecker who was who worked
for rathon at the South Pole station in
Antarctica and he and he’s fed up he’s
fed up with all of these charlatans who
don’t know what they’re talking about
when it when it relates to what’s going
on in Antarctica um these people that
like they take like tourist trips and
don’t even get anywhere near the South
Pole station and he’s a whistleblower
came forward and testified before the
Senate and what’s actually happening
there in these directed energy weapons
and he’s saying what’s happening there
is Criminal and so I think what what’s
most telling about this by the way you
can see the full interview we’re going
to release the full interview this
weekend um if you a redacted plus member
we’re going to release that full
interview first to you on Friday I think
right Phillip uh if you go to about this yesterday is that
the fact that these many of these NOS
many of these non-governmental
organizations are specifically involved
in this and they’re it’s unregulated
don’t have to answer to Congress they’re
not in front of Congress Congress
doesn’t have to it’s not some DOD
program it’s off-handed to them right I
mean that’s the I think that’s at the
heart of it and that and that and the
the the contractors that are handling uh
you know like the basics on these these
places you know like the the
commissaries and the and the the
janitorial like that are freaking
defense contractors like why is r on
there why is why is lock Martin there
what does they’re there for sanitation
purposes like literally plumbing and
sanitation services are handled by
Lockheed Martin what and rathon come on
people wake up please um you know again
so I know you guys are you guys are
awakened but so many people aren’t and
uh but also the energy with which the
media is denying this out of pocket is
concerning and it tells you oh there’s
something they don’t want you to see
there let’s look there then it’s like
when your mom’s like don’t look under
there don’t look in that cabinet yeah
that kind of thing yeah I mean and and
the military use of these Technologies
down there is is you know it’s
astonishing so anyway do your own
research on this but we’re going to have
the full interview you can watch of Eric
Hecker and there’s a lot more because we
go into a lot with the UFO program and
the coverup um and how the UFO
disclosure program right now they keep
giving you like little drips and drabs
of stuff to distract you from the real
stories like you know if you saw the
Michael shellenberger piece this week
about now we have a name for the program
oh we’re all supposed to get excited
about that when he’s like here we have
actual ual information from the South
Pole station like pay attention to
what’s actually happening uh instead of
being led by the nose uh by these people
in Congress and David grush and all that
other stuff right now

Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet