Peels Thunder

Peels of Thunder

and there came peals of thunder,

KJV says it in the following way.

…and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an Earthquake.

We ask why are there voices in the sky?

The only logical answer is that Starlink and the Chinese megaconstellations and other companies with this technology are projecting a movie hologram into the sky for all to see. Not only to see and hear but also with advanced technology of the 2020’s you can feel them as well.

The smoke is stage smoke to enhance the visibility of the projection.

That is on the night of Trumpet Number One.  A build up explanation of peels of thunder in the build-up of the technology over a very long time would be radar or radiation.

Which leads us to:

Phased Array technology see Phased array page.

(manmade thunder) from their Electrometric craft broadcast during lightening thunder storms and so on.

Also from Starlink a worldwide display of false power. i.e. a video production for all the world to be made fearful of. War of the worlds type of thing.

Creating Holograms visual bodies to bring to life a thing that does not have a spirit yet portrayed to have one.

This reminds Clevor Trevor of a song.

Thunderstruck by ACDD


Off course this is nothing compared to what you are going to hear on the day and night of Trumpet Number One globalists destruction of vegetation including your back yard veggie patch.

The thunder will be coming from the following:

  • Starlink, Chinese megaconstellations and such like technology

  • Electromagnetic craft masquerading as alien craft

  • Real pre-laid and not pre-laid bombs near beaches that have hills to terraform parts of the earth

  • Other sound devices

Hologram technology you can even feel it now.

If you want to be saved and have not been born again please contact us via the form below.



Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet