Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Stage Smoke! Incense
Another article is below. They know it will destroy the ecosystems of the earth, but hey when you fight against the Lord may as well destroy it all.
To read more please click on SAI-2 to download the pdf on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection.
Notice the dark blue – haven’t seen that in a very long time – decades!
There conclusion to the report is this.
4. Conclusion
SAI has the potential to both help and harm public health and global ecosystems, and these consequences are still
being evaluated. While mitigating the most severe consequences of global climate change, such as increased surface temperatures, SAI may introduce potential unknown
consequences for public health outcomes that will need continued investigation. SAI has the potential to reduce
the public health and ecosystem effects associated with temperature rise but may disrupt global environmental
systems, potentially impacting water quality, agriculture, and zoonotic infection; however, continued unmitigated
climate change will also bring about a variety of disruptions.
There are many unknown or unintended consequences that may develop from fundamentally altering
the global climate through SAI.While current models have predicted minimal negative impacts and highlight multiple positive impacts to improve public health and global
ecology, there are many uncertainties surrounding SAI that remain. Geoengineering research has now reached
a point at which some countries are beginning to develop national research programs (Temple, 2022). As research
continues in this new era, it will be important to carry out more holistic modeling, including a focus on impacts,
to continue to reduce the uncertainty surrounding the potential positive and negative consequences of SRM,
especially those surrounding potential public health concerns.
End of conclusion of report.
oh none of that matters – lets destroy the earth anyway!