What is the return on Gold?

What is the return on Gold?

What is the return on Gold?

According to Greg Mannarino “Robin Hood of Wall Street” so they call him apparently, Gold is going to up to around $8,000 per ounce.

His video below again for your reference.

I have this video so if it is deleted I will up load a copy.


Greg Mannarino’s Gold estimate price is $8,000.00 USD

Currency exchange rate today the 17/09/2024 is ($8000 / 0.675) = $11,851.00 AUD

The gold price on 17/09/2024 in USD was $2,580.00

The gold price on 17/09/2024 in AUD was $3,820.00

Using USD & Gold Spot price we have the following:

Spot Gold $2,580.00 going up to approximately $8,000.00.

($8,000 USD / $2,580 USD) = 3.10 times or 310%

310% is a reasonable return.  A person would be happy for that. Surely the Gold talking heads previously mentioned would be happy with that? Well yes they would but they have forgotten something.

And that is:

For all their looking back over 5,000 years they forgot to look forward from 2024 just 5 years to 2029.

or from 2014 to 2029 just 15 years

or from 2004 to 2029 just 25 years although granted this becomes harder unless one believes the Bible or is prepared to invest and sell when it becomes obvious like Greg M seems to do…

However surely if a person is prepared to go back 5,000 years or even 110 years to WWI surely they can look forward a few years!

But they Have Not

But they haven’t and if you are reading this you now know they have failed you and you should rely on the Bible not the talking heads.

So is 310% a good return?

To know that we must first look at the following returns:

Gold to Bread return

Gold to Wheat flour return

Gold to Barley flour return

and to take it further and just so you understand use an average against the cost of day to day or year to year living returns.




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