Potential Returns to Survive Trumpet Number One

Want to survive financially the 5 Famines?, Then maybe this could help.

Potential Returns to Survive

Trumpet Number One

Returns for Trumpet Number Two will be posted some time after Trumpet Number One attack on us has happened. It is almost impossible to predict them 5-6 years in advance. However we do know that if you do not trade Trumpet Number One you will probably not afford to trade Trumpet Number Two!

5 returns are below –

You may have been sold on Gold and Silver to keep your purchasing power during a currency reset.

However this is not the case if you run out of money first!

This can easily happen by not being invested in the right asset class & Instrument at the time of the First major attack by the Globalist Bankers.

This first attack is called Trumpet Number One in the Bible and the last ingredient needed to attack us began on the 1/1/2025.

The mechanism for this last ingredient is Deep Sea “Carpet Vacuum Type” Mining. On the 1/1/2025 the following started:

  1. Oxygen Famine
  2. Fish Food Famine
  3. Methane Gas release to poison all green crops and plants up to 1/3 of the trees.  FOOD FAMINE August 2029. This means there is much to survive even before we get to the great tribulation in the 2030’s.

Therefore it is advisable to seek the potential best returns and work with people who can help you do that. Let us know if your interested in business partnering with us. Eventually others will advertise that they can help you however it was us that on and before the 4th January 2025 some 4.6 years in advance that these things on this website will happen and what to target and not to target to survive.

The potential returns without leverage are:

Wheat – Wheat Flour


Bread or (Bread Flour if you like – bread Flour is premix – Just add yeast, water and prove it and its ready to bake)


Barley Flour






Please read the disclosures and financial disclosures on this website.

Again if you like to business partnership with us and help yourself financially please use the contact form below. Conditions apply.



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Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet