What is the Silver / Barley Flour
Ratio & Return
What is the Silver / Barley
Flour Ratio & Return
Revelation 6.6 kjv
“and three measures of barley for a penny”
Revelation 6.6 niv
and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages,
Six pounds of barley for a day’s wages is around 2.72 kilograms.
We have rounded it to 3 kilograms.
3 Kilo is around $13.25 In September 2024 in Australia.
Its gone up $0.25 cents in 2 weeks!
Daily average wage 5 days a week August 2024 in Australia is $342.00.
3kg of Barley flour is $13.25 AUD
($342.00 / 13.25) = 25.81 times or 2,581.00%
Now we have both Wheat and Barley flour returns for post Trumpet number one
Bread 4,275.00%
Barley Flour 2,581.00%
Wheat Flour 22,800%
Nice returns even if they are conservative.
What about my beer is the question CT gets asked a lot. How much will that be?
Average schooner of beer in Australia is around $8.00 AUD August 2024. $8.00 times by 25.81 times equals ($8.00*25.81) = $206.48 per schooner!
$206.48 for a schooner of beer!
Note: A schooner of beer in Australia is typically 425 millilitres (ml), or three-quarters of an imperial pint. However, the glass may be calibrated to hold 425 ml to the rim, but poured with 15 mm of head, resulting in a 375 ml beer and 50 ml of froth.
Returns so far:
Wheat or Wheat Flour conservative
Barley Flour
No matter which way you slice it, Gold and Silver are terrible returns compared to flour in the Trumpet Number One attack and possibly for the few years before!
How much Barley Flour will Silver buy you when Trumpet Number One attack has happened?
1 Ounce of Silver in Australia was $56.00 in August 2024 from the Perth Mint not including postage and insurance.
3 Kilograms of Barley Flour in Australia was $13.25 in August 2024.
($56.00/$13.25) = 4.22 times. 3kg times 4.22 times =
(4.22 x 3kg) = 12.66 Kilograms
1 Ounce of Silver in Australia post 8th August 2029 will be estimated at $474 USD at a GSR of 25/1 estimate in August/September 2024 in a DOW Jones crash model and using a $0.675 cents to $1.00 USD exchange rate in August / September 2024.
Greg M typo said $800.00 but a 1/15 GSR is $533.33 USD and a 1/25 GSR is $320.00
$8,000 USD for GOLD 8000 points for the DOW Jones Industrial Average.
6 Kilograms of Barley Flour in Australia post 8th August 2029 is estimated at Australian Average wage of $342.00 (this will change and is not a apples for apples calculation it is unfairly weighted on the conservative side) meaning it may be much worse than estimated here.
Post August 2029 GSR 1/25
Silver GSR 25/1 Price estimate in AUD is $474.00 post Trumpet Number One 8th August 2029.
Days wages in Australia for 2024 is $342.00
($474.00/$342.00) = 1.38 or 1.38 times 6 kilograms.
1.38 times 6 kilo = (1.38×6) = 8.28 kilograms of Barley Flour*
*not including 1) exchange rates decrease or 2) increase and any wage increases for 2024 to 2029 and 3) potentially processing of Barley into Barley flour.
6 kilograms of Barley Flour rounded up is a days wages post August 2029.
Post August 2029 GSR 1/15
Silver GSR 15/1 Price estimate in AUD is $790.00 post Trumpet Number One 8th August 2029.
Days wages in Australia for 2024 is $342.00
($790.00/$342.00) = 2.31 or 2.31 times 6 kilograms.
2.31 times 6 kilo = (2.31×6) = 13.86 kilograms of Barley Flour*
*not including 1) exchange rates decrease or 2) increase and any wage increases for 2024 to 2029 and 3) potentially processing of Barley into Barley flour.
6 kilograms of Barley Flour rounded up is a days wages post August 2029.
Loss ratio in terms of Barley Flour
Pre August 2029 1 ounce of Silver buys between 8.28 and 13.86 kg kilograms of Barley flour in August 2024.
Post 8th August 2029 1 ounce of Silver may buy between 8.28 – 13.86 kilograms of Barley flour or less. Which may be 2 days at 6 kilograms a day supply. Remember we rounded up the amount of barley flour by almost 10%.
(12.66 / 13.86) = 0.913 or almost 9% gain. Gain of purchasing power of Silver against Barley Flour. Only 9% even though Silver has gone up 846%.
Silver is not looking so good now is it!
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