Woe unto them that are with child

Woe unto them that are with child

This scripture is now in play world wide and has been since 1/1/2025.

Just to be clear it has been in play

Since 1st January 2025.

Published 18th Jan 2025 9:45 am AET

Page updated 2nd February 2025

Matthew 24.19 kjv

And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

Matthew 24.19 Niv

19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!

Matthew 24.19 AMP

And woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!
Why is this scripture now in play before Trumpet Number One has happened?

Well put simply as natural gas / also known as methane gas is now being released from the deep ocean and making its way onto land your babies / young children will be the first to be effected.


Well, they will be the ones who are going to be breathing in the natural gas / methane gas first… in every breathe they take especially if they live just above sea level.

How will this effect them?

Lets look at another scripture to see how natural gas poisoning effects humans and animals alike.

Zechariah 14:12,15

12…..Their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth.

15 So like this plague there will be the plague on the horses, mules, camels, donkeys, and all the livestock…

Lets just talk about eyesight.

Their eyes open say 12 hours a day to 18 hours a day. Eyes breathe this has been proven. That’s why when you peel an onion sometimes your eyes go watery as it were. You sort of cry as it were.

Remember your eyes are like gel or jelly.  When jelly melts it goes runny or watery if you will.

When your eyes and your babies eyes are exposed to natural gas / methane gas just like when your peeling an onion except the child cannot escape it 24/7 their eyes will melt as it were over time. At first you may and your Doctor who is not clued up on this may just treat them for a running eye and not know why its happening.

Over time this will get worse and the optometrists will be recommending all types of eye drops, glasses and operations and none of these will work.

The only thing that will work is to remove them from the gas. That means run for the hills. Click here to view the page of “Run for the Hills”.

Why run for the Hills and how high should I go?

The higher you go the less carbon monoxide there will be. The less natural gas / methane there will be in the air. That means you and your child or children will be breathing in more oxygen which should be around 21% per breathe and less natural gas.

Once your oxygen intake is less than 19% per breathe on average the more change or damage being done to your health. Hence what the masks were for in the COVID WAR – Seal Number One White Horse – Ordered by the White House.

Generally the Higher up the better.

Which is why Jesus said in

Matthew 24. 16,19-21

16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Jesus also said the following so that you would not leave at the last minute and need to leave your things behind.

Therefore do not be unprepared.

Matthew 24. 17-18

17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

Be up high before Jan 2031 or you have made a grave mistake and to be on the saver side of the situation that the Globalist Bankers are now bringing upon us, do it sooner rather than later and preferably before Trumpet Number One on or around 8th August 2029.

Trumpet Number One = No food – Food Famine –

But the lead up to Trumpet Number One – is gas poisoning and after Trumpet Number Two – gas poisoning to a degree the world has never seen. Further to the above points Jesus said in

Matthew 24.21

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

And we have only covered natural gas / methane gas poisoning on this page in a soft light touch manner in relation to your children’s eyes….

How long will  you wait or ignore the warnings in relation to your child’s health?








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Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet