Seal No: 2 Part One –
Red Republican Horse
whose rider is Trump
We could rehash what was written in the book COVID WAR – Suffice to say no need just read the pdf book of COVID WAR and Rev 7 seals
We will cover of the Great Sword on this page and the war on Arabs as declared by the Abraham Accord that Trump signed.
Revelation 6.4
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
If you think Trump is a good guy you should stop reading here! If you are a person whom considers more than one side keep reading. there are three sides at least to every story.
Side one then Side two and then there is the ultimate truth which only the LORD God Almighty knows. So if your one sided this website and this page is not for you! Grow up and read.
ACTs 4.21 kjv
The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against His Christ.’
ACTs 4.21 Amplified Bible
The kings of the earth took their stand [to attack], And the rulers were assembled together Against the Lord and against His Anointed (the Christ, the Messiah).’
So stop thinking Trump is a good guy or Trump is righteous or Trump is a Christian. He is not and He is the rider of the Red Republican Horse and his job is to attack you and take peace from the earth.
Trump brought the Troops home from Afganistan making him look like he was the good guy and left One Trillion USD worth of equipment there which the Taliban now use to attack Pakistan which is a fulfilment of the above scripture to take peace from the earth.
Abraham Accord 2020
We are not going to go into the idealistic view of the Accords the truth is the 2020 accord was declaring war on all Arabs – Evidence of this is on the medallion itself. Lets examine it.
Front of 2020 Abraham Accord medallion
All night so far unless you want to read into the scenes. We could and much could be said. Take note of the flags however. Isreals Blue and White, White for the Pharaonic rule of Northern Egypt according to Sean Hross and blue is the colour of War. Then we have a flag that some say is the colours of the four horses of Revelation. True but a misdirection, it is a generalised flag representing Arab countries.
Now lets see what we have on the back of the medallion that will confirm and declare the truth of the front of the medallion.
Back of 2020 Abraham Accord medallion
First down the bottom of this shittim sword we see that Donald John Trump has signed the coin – Abraham Accord.
Then we see the scripture from the Koran printed in English that in Clevor Trevors’ opinion says if you do not do it our way then war is what you get.
Well just look at Gaza, Lebanon and Syria… Jordan and Iran to get their wars come later at this point on the 15th January 2025.
We then see some writing in Hebrew and Arabic.
We then look at this Great Sword. Not great as in size rather small is a needle in your arm but GREAT things it does in you. Kills you, disables you, harms you in some way and if you survive connects your pineal gland to the internet and you are OWNED by a corporation – you just do not know it.
Below is Daniel Alexander Cannon decipher points about this great sword that is now connecting you (if you took the jab) to Starlink or the Chinese megaconstellations.
There are so many scriptures in this pictures above. We will list a few below. As a view you need to view this in 3D as the sword is raised above the level of the medallion – 3D
- Red horse Rider had a Great sword – Revelation 6.4 “and there was given unto him a great sword.” – Scripture Fulfilled
- Iron and Clay – Daniel 3.42 “And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.” – If you took the Jab The Covid 19 Trumps Warp Speed Jab – This Scripture is filled in YOU! Scripture Fulfilled
- Pineal / Pineapple Tree in the Holy of Holies picture below
And other which we may add later….
- 2020 Abraham Accord was not for peace but rather “do it isreals way or else” and backed by the USA which is why the “Eagle” is on the front of the medallion
- 2020 Abraham Accord was a declaration of war on Arabs
- 2020 Abraham Accord was a declaration that you were to have a Nano Technology Injection that was and is going to connect you to the “Internet of Bodies” Starlink & Megaconstellations
- 2020 Abraham Accord was a declaration that they were ready to fulfilled the scripture of Revelation 6.4 – Great Sword
- 2020 Abraham Accord was a declaration that Israel was ready for their great land base
- 2020 Abraham Accord was allegedly the deal for certain business people to grab the Gaza Strip for beach front property expansion and the alleged oil of its coast…
That was round one in a Summary we will need to watch from the 20th January 2025 to 19th January 2029 what happens and we know that on or around the 8th August 2029 Trumpet Number One attack happens – we shall watch for Trumps sign off on this world wide attack – promoted as a peace deal no doubt.