The 4 & 1/2 Years before T 1

The 4 & 1/2 Years before

Trumpet Number One

As of 01/01/2025 Deepsea “Carpet Type Vacuum” began.

This means as from 01/01/2025 or there afterwards depending how far you are away from a deep sea mining ship and how high you are from sea level you will be breathing in natural / methane gas.

This is the time the Angels in Heaven prepare to sound. From 1/1/2025 until T1 happens which is around the 8th August 2029 approximately.  4 years 7 Months and about 8 days.

How long till you breathe in

natural / methane gas

Let’s say it takes a year for example to get a reasonable cover at sea level to say 1 foot above sea level. That takes us to 1/1/2026.

This means all those that enjoy swimming in the ocean on a daily basis get a dose of methane gas into their lungs every day.  For those that do and read this after 1/1/2026 – how are your headaches going?

For the rest of us who take children to the sea for a swim after 1/1/2026 and thereafter are breathing in methane gas on that day and there after as the depth of methane gas will rise each day AND the density of the gas will intensify decreasing the amount of Oxygen you are breathing in.

When will the level of gas go down

The good thing after T1 happens are these levels will drop until January 2031.

When will the level of gas

become ridiculously high

As of January 2031 and the International Space Station which should always have been called International Airspace Station is cast into the sea – living below a certain height of say 7-800 metres or even 1,000 (these figures are just a very general estimate/guesstimate) metres high will be problematic – you will get very sick indeed. Click here to see how sick. And scroll down a little to see the pictures and if you wish copy and paste the YT links into YT to see the videos of these people.


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Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet