T1-T2 – Map of Mineral Deposits

Trumpet Number One

Trumpet Number Two

– Map of Mineral Deposits

Page published 7th February 2025

Below is a map of the mineral deposits that are being either being mined or plan to be mined.

This mining will release vast amounts of methane gas just for you to breathe in and your children and grandchildren until Jesus returns.

Deposits are:

Deep-sea mineral resources
(Year: 1984-1989)

Sulphide deposits
Manganese crusts
Polymetallic nodules
Deep-sea “vacuum type” mining began on the 1/1/2025.

The type of machine now releasing methane gas just for you artists impression and further below the actual machine.

Actual machine on the Allseas ship

Video re deep-sea mining




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Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet