Electro Laser

In addition to all of the above in Trumpet Number One which we have had since then almost daily disasters including one in August 2023 in Maui Hawaii.

The following picture was taken from one of the Islands in Hawaii allegedly six months before the fires in Maui. It shows around 24 laser beams coming down from the Heavens and all in a straight line.  The laser beams were straight lines of course and so was the number of lasers in a straight line!

A laser beam is fire.  It can create heat. Many lasers or a alternating laser can create many frequencies.

Electro laser

An electro laser first ionizes its target path, and then sends an electric current down the conducting track of ionized plasma, somewhat like lightning. It functions as a giant, high-energy, long-distance version of the Taser or stun gun.[1]

We now have fire or lightning as the Bible and Strong’s Concordance states. From above and from below.

Picture Laser Beams approximately six months before Maui Fires.


Could it be that the frequency of the lasers from the sky be tuned to create the methane gas and the methanethiols to catch on fire?

If this is the case, then all the animal faeces on the farms will ignite world-wide and aid in the destruction of all the crops and green grass as Trumpet Number One indicates.

Methanethiol is mainly used to produce the essential amino acid methionine, which is used as a dietary component in poultry and animal feed. Methanethiol is also used in the plastic industry as a moderator for free-radical polymerizations and as a precursor in the manufacture of pesticides.

This chemical is also used in the natural gas industry as an odorant, as it mixes well with methane. The characteristic rotting vegetation smell of the mix is widely known by natural gas customers as an indicator of a possible gas leak, even a very minor one.[1]


Mr MBB333 – Video re blue lines from Starlink Weapon

Starlink zoomed in view of the blue lines in the sky

When most of the internet is via cables for efficiency and practicality reasons why do we need Starlink?

More than 95% of all the data that moves around the world goes through these undersea cables.

These cables are capable of transmitting multiple terabits of data per second, offering the fastest and most reliable method of data transfer available today.[1]


Are the globalist bankers so kind they just want everyone to have internet access worldwide? Really?

Or is there another reason?

Could the reason be that a radio frequency signal sent to ignite or excite a certain gas at a certain date in the future?

Fake hologram picture show in Trumpet Number One and the image of the beast at a later date?

Could it be that in Trumpet Number Two the sea bed is blown up which will destroy the undersea cables and internet and therefore we will be forced to use Starlink and the Chinese megaconstellations and other companies starlink type services for connectivity?

Brightness data of Starlinks lines


Why were the lines red in 2017 when Starlink first started to be set up in the sky and now turned blue?

If they were really concerned about brightness in the night sky the why use the brightest colour being blue?[1]

Blue and Green are the brightest colours. 

Starlink forms a grid

If you believe in a football earth this above CGI picture would be true.  If you believe the Bible and the earth was level in Genesis 2.8 this is nothing but propaganda as usual. However, a grid is what they are building.

Full network of the Starlink mega-constellation assuming a +grid topology. Figure 1a shows the full network, which is made from repeated patterns of the form shown in 1b. This network assumes that each satellite is limited to four connections due to hardware constraints. The figure also shows the positions of the satellites in the constellation in white, which are distributed evenly across 72 orbital planes with 22 satellites in each plane.

Add to this the Chinese megaconstellations and other companies, a person may consider that one of the objectives for Trumpet Number Two is indeed to blown up the sea bed floor for deep sea mining and thereby destroy the under the sea cables.


This image above is of Venus and the Pleiades also showing the tracks of Starling satellites.

SatHub’s functions


Radio Data – obviously they are going to say it’s all for the public good. However, is it?

Could Starlink and Starlink systems be part of the plan to burn all the green grass and 1/3 of the trees and by extension or implication, all the crops ready to be harvested at the time?

Radioactive Forcing – Atmospheric Methane[1]

Etminan et al. published their new calculations for methane’s radiative forcing (RF) in a 2016 Geophysical Research Letters journal article which incorporated the shortwave bands of CH4 in measuring forcing, not used in previous, simpler IPCC methods. Their new RF calculations which significantly revised those cited in earlier, successive IPCC reports for well mixed greenhouse gases (WMGHG) forcings by including the shortwave forcing component due to CH4, resulted in estimates that were approximately 20–25% higher.

Could the destroyers of the Earth use Radio Shortwave signals to help set the world on fire and destroy the crops?

Article – A world on fire.

A United Nations report has concluded that the risk of devastating wildfires around the world could increase by up to 57 percent by the end of the century, as climate change further intensifies what the authors of the document described as a “global wildfire crisis.”……

That would account for more than 10 percent of methane emissions from the industry as a whole. Requiring companies to repair these major leaks or other problems would likely help reduce emissions more quickly and at lower net cost than detecting and repairing countless thousands of much smaller leaks.

Even though the researchers were able to detect huge emission plumes, the satellite resolution, about 15 square miles, is not high enough to give the exact location of the source — the specific pump or pipeline section that is leaking, for example.

So the research points to a need to use multiple methods to detect emissions sources, said Riley Duren, a researcher at the University of Arizona and one of the study authors. Airborne or ground-based sensors could be used to follow up at sites detected by satellites like Sentinel 5.

There is also soon to be a new generation of methane-detecting satellites with much higher resolution, capable of more precisely pinpointing sources.

Satellites like Sentinel 5 “act like wide angle lenses on cameras,” Dr. Duren said. “They give good, wide-area global situational awareness of where hot spots are.”

Dr. Duren is also the chief executive of Carbon Mapper, a public-private partnership behind a project that will use a constellation of satellites. It and another satellite, MethaneSAT, a project of the Environmental Defence Fund, “will act more like a telephoto lens,” he said.

“We’re going to see dramatic advances in space-based monitoring of methane,” Dr. Duren said. “That’s going to push the detection limits down.”

End of Article

The author of the article above did not take into account the vast quantities of natural gas that is going to be released from the depths of the ocean!  They can measure all they like. It will not stop the bankers who want the minerals mined from the bottom of the ocean so that they can trade for profit.

Are they measuring for some other reasons? To make sure the areas or all the Earth has sufficient coverage of methane gas to execute Trumpet Number One disaster that God has warned us about.

This seems to be a more logical reason to have a satellite in orbit measuring the methane in the atmosphere. A military reason.  A military industrial complex reason it would seem.

Jesus threw the bankers/money changers out of the Temple.

Jesus throwing the bankers out of the Temple. An artists view.




Do you think that it’s likely or possible that one third of the world could be on fire in an instant if enough methane is accumulated to burn the Earth, humans, animals, birds and insects in an instant or very quickly including one third of trees and all the green grass?


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_weapon

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methanethiol

[1] https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/03/10/technology/internet-cables-oceans.html

[1] https://www.sciencealert.com/computer-model-shows-why-blues-and-greens-are-often-nature-s-brightest-colours

[1] https://www.sciencealert.com/computer-model-shows-why-blues-and-greens-are-often-nature-s-brightest-colours

[1] https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Full-network-of-the-Starlink-mega-constellation-assuming-a-grid-topology-Figure-1a_fig1_361921612

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_methane

[2] Gerald Celente – Trends Journal Magazine – https://trendsjournal.com/

Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet