Another view is that technology takes a long time to develop, much testing and calibration is required.
What if Trumpet Number One has been in development for over 100 years? What if there are partial fires that become more intense over the years and decades?
Could this be possible? Is it likely?
For those who live in Australia and are old enough to remember we had in Australia the Ash Wednesday fires in 1979. In 1983 we had the Ash Wednesday fires again.
A documentary was made. Dr Barry Gumm remembers this at the time and watched the fires in the Flinders Ranges in South Australia. At times he thought he saw some things in the sky. A friend of his (now deceased) sold his business in Adelaide and moved 700km inland to Coober Pedy. These events scared a lot of people, and some began to prepare. Reverend Dr Barry Gumm reviewed the documentary and found the faster than the eye can see almost, in the file clips. The video film back then was only 22 frames per second. However, he was able to find many frames where these “black military” craft appeared. He even found one frame where the craft was in two places at the same time. In one frame that is 1/22nd of a second the craft had moved almost 500 metres. This video is on my youtube channel. Video “Australian Fires #5 1983 Ash Wednesday was a DEW attack as is today’s fires both are DEW attacks” https://youtu.be/nfLlp3fL-GY
The picture of the craft in 1/22nd of a film that has 22 frames per second is overleaf.
Picture 1 Ash Wednesday 1983 Electromagnetic Craft
Picture 2 Ash Wednesday 1983 Electromagnetic Craft zoomed in 200% same craft in 1/22nd frame showing the rotation of the rollers of the Searl Effect Generator- free energy
Picture 3 Ash Wednesday 1983 Electromagnetic Craft zoomed in 300%
Picture 4 Ash Wednesday 1983 Electromagnetic Craft zoomed in 400%
Obviously, there are thousands of examples. These are from 1983! In the same video documentary, a helicopter is seen firing presumably explosives. One has to then ask the question was this for fire control or fire creation by those that destroy the Earth?
The light you see on the craft on the left is the electromatic generator. John R R Searl revealed this technology to the world in the 1960’s. However, the BBC who took thousands of photographs and the supporting documentary allegedly refuse to replay the documentary today. A video of John talking about his technology and of the NASA adviser and some 400 scientists is on my youtube channel[1].
In another video on my youtube channel there is a, “wildfire” from May 2019 at Nana Glen. Dr Barry Gumm filmed on his Samsung S10+ the multiple flying craft, craft, that was flying so fast that you could barely see it/them with the naked eye. If you watch this video, look at the cloud that looks like an Owl and the long cloud pointing to it presumably. Video “Australian Fires #7 Fire over Nana Glen, NSW May 2019 was a DEW attack.” https://youtu.be/okVDX_VWMjw
In yet another wildfire at Nana Glen in 2019 Dr Barry Gumm and I made a documentary. Someone was gracious enough to provide permission to enter their land and take video and pictures. Unfortunately, one of our camera’s did not work that well that day, still we were able to take around one hundred photographs and some short videos. What we found was astounding and an explanation of the same would be too long for this book. The reader is encouraged to watch the video at the following link. Australian Fires #6 Nana Glen was a DEW attack NOV 2019 – that’s twice in one year! A Documentary https://youtu.be/_DBPpNh7gqU
We now have a delivery system for the alleged weaponised hail.
Namely electromagnetic flying craft and strange effects on weather and materials.
In short, we saw all the effects that Dr Judy found in her investigation of the Twin Towers of New York in her book “Where did the Towers go”?[2]
I also covered the topics from Dr Judy Wood in my “Savage Kings – Defeated” book[3].
[1] The Searl IGV Inverse Gravity Vehicle – Like Anti-Gravity is new? It was public in the 1960’s https://youtu.be/iMNEbs2hvHc
[2] Book Dr Judy Wood B.S., M.S., Ph.D Where did the Towers go? Evidence of Directed Free Energy 9/11 find the book on amazon here https://www.amazon.com/Towers-Evidence-Directed-Free-energy-Technology/dp/0615412564/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?crid=20URPR31QJW5Y&keywords=where+did+the+towers+go+dr.+judy+wood+paperback&qid=1562813782&s=gateway&sprefix=where+did+the+towers+%2Caps%2C833&sr=8-1-fkmr0
[3] http://padreaustralia.com/savage-kings-2/ Savage Kings – Defeated Book By Rev’d Dr Graham J Whelan OAM ISBN: 9798793639743