Alleged Potential flying electromagnetic hail machine
Bomber – Hail / water / blood sprayer – rainmaker – super flood maker
Video below – Mainstream Media Would NEVER Show You This!! – mrmbb333 – 26th August 2024
Here it is near Las Vegas – taken from the international space station. Notice the shadow it casts on the ground. Massive machine.
Looking at the picture above we can see that the middle of the craft right hand side is near Indian springs. Just above the “L” of Las Vegas. Measuring the distance from that area Indian Springs to the back of the craft near the lighter shaded ground gives us an approximate measurement. Further below.
Zoomed in view of bomber
Typical of NASA low quality pictures. We have however worked with what we have measured approximately this craft. The estimation may be short or longer than the actual size of the craft. Pictures from Google Earth below – see yellow rectangle.
Map of area Las Vegas to Fresno approximately 400 kilometres.
Zoomed in view
Using the measurement tool and guessing. The estimates are at least 20km long on the short side and 30km long on the long side and 13 km wide.
Offcourse the measurement could be wrong. Som UAP/UFO experts say that the machines shapeshift in flight. No what they are talking about is what John R R Searl said of his “Antigravity machine”
He said that the thousands of pictures that were taken in the 1960’s of his craft was that depending where the camera is to the machine the machine appears to change shape. He continued a circle machine could look like a circle or a thin blade or thin disc. His machine would what the experts term shapeshift today is simply the angle of the machine to the camera, even taken from a jet plane following the machine!
Ezekiel 38.9 kjv
9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.
Interpretation of scripture re the pictures above.
9 Thou shalt ascend (rise up like a aeroplane does) and come like a storm (very fast and cloaked in clouds to hide producing your own lightning and thunder), thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land (so big you will cast a shadow over and to cover the land) , thou, (gog maygog (being USA, England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand)) and all thy bands, and many people with thee.
We now from this one electromagnetic craft alone, see that this scripture can easily be fulfilled and will be.
As seen in the book Savage Kings and on my YouTube channel[1] electromagnetic flying machines are nothing new. They however have been hidden from the public view for various reasons. Mainly it would seem they are used as weapons against us in the build-up of the disasters of the Trumpets.
[1] Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHAQcYuLzN2oSzNr_W5tBQY4G1TKnXc-f