T2 – The Silica Cycle

Trumpet Number Two – The Silica Cycle

Silica cycle

Silicon is the seventh most abundant element in the universe and the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust (the most abundant is oxygen). The weathering of the Earth’s crust by rainwater rich in carbon dioxide is a key process in the control of atmospheric carbon dioxide. It results in the generation of silicic acid in aqueous environments. Silicic acid, Si(OH)4, is a hydrated form of silica found only as an unstable solution in water, yet it plays a central role in the silica cycle.
As the Silica from the deep ocean is unnaturally stirred the Sealife will have no choice as more and more deep sea mining is commenced but to breathe in the Silica resulting in death.  As we will see later in Bowl/Vial number two ALL Sealife will be killed. Apart from Algae the sea will be dead the Holy Bible says in Revelation 16:3. Continued upsetting this cycle will also lead to the rivers and steams dying in Bowl or Vial number three in Revelation 16:4.

The Silica Cycle in a picture




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Disasters are detailed in the Bible. These manmade disasters described by Angels sounding God's warnings in the form of a war time instrument called a Trumpet